Wahlfach Umweltphysik

© Universität Bremen/Walter

Information for students of the German program "Master Physik mit Wahlfach Umweltphysik"

Students of the a/m program as well as interested students of other programs of the University of Bremen with the optional or minor subject "Umweltphysik" may choose from a variety of courses offered by our Master program PEP.

Students of the "Master Physik mit Wahlfach Umweltphysik" have to obtain 15 credit points in the field of environmental physics.

These are the courses they may choose from:

Atmospheric Chemistry (6 CP)
Atmospheric Physics (6 CP)
Dynamics I (6 CP)
Physical Oceanography I ( 6 CP)
Climate System I (3 CP)
Dynamics II (3 CP)
Atmospheric Spectroscopy (3 CP)
Physical Oceanography II (3 CP)
IUP Seminar on Environmental Physics (3 CP)
Seminar on Physics and Chemistry of the Atmosphere (3 CP)
Seminar on Physical Oceanography I (3 CP)
Seminar on Physical Oceanography II (3 CP)

CP = credit points
For further information about the requirements of the German “Master Physik” check the respective module guide.

For further information about the listed PEP courses, please see the information provided under "Teaching + Regulations / Courses + Course Descriptions".